Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Be a rock chick....tick, done.

Well it seems I'm not really cut out to be a rock chick after all, the horror of the loos at Reading Festival saw to that. Now I realise the only reason Kate Moss always looks so chirpy in those photos of her yomping around in wellies at some festival or another is because she knows she's got a luxury RV to go back to, with her own private toilet.

I won't dwell on the lavatorial aspect except to say if I were the toilet hire company I really wouldn't bother going to pick them up, just take a flame thrower to them and be done with it.

My deep love of music continues but I think from now on it will do so from the comfort of a nice clean, stadium seat or via my iPod, rather than a muddy field in the company of men dressed in nothing but nappies or as Scooby Do. It did make me wonder how their minds worked. When, as they were packing the clothes they'd need for four days camping in a mud bath, did the thought 'oh mustn't forget the Viking outfit' float into their head?

The girls had made it easy for themselves, almost every last one was wearing the obligatory festival outfit of very short denim shorts with bare legs and wellies. I loved the fact that quite a few were in full make up, carefully applied lippie and artfully teased hair, while from the neck down they were splattered with mud. My favourite festival t-shirt had to be the one that read 'ketamine, just say neigh'.....clever and funny. Then there was the guy who'd wrapped himself from head to toe in toilet paper...

Funky Reading wellies
Elbow and Muse lived up to expectations although by the time Muse came on, I'd moved so far to the back to get away from the crush that I was virtually sitting in security's lap.

Reading 2011

So at the grand old age of 48 I'm no longer a Reading virgin. Can't say I'll be rushing to do it again but I'm pleased that I can now tick 'go to Reading Festival' off my to-do list. Actually, as I left all dignity behind and finally gave in and peed behind a tree in a very dark car park on the way out with son number one acting as look out, I rather expected to be fulfilling another challenge on my life list, that of 'get arrested'.

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