Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Men are from Mars......

Making stereotypical pronouncements about the shortcomings of men is normally something I'd avoid but this email that's doing the rounds did make me chuckle and reflect on some of those moments that we've probably all had.

'Wico (Women in charge of everything) is proud to announce evening classes for men, open to men only, all are welcome....
The course will cover the following:
How to fill ice cube trays - step by step guide with slide presentation
Toilet rolls - do they grow on the holders? Round table discussion
Differences between laundry basket and floor - practising with hamper (pictures and graphics)
Dishes and cutlery - do they levitate/fly to the dishwasher/sink by themselves? Debate with a panel of experts
Remote control - losing the remote - help line and support groups
Learning how to find things - starting with looking in the right place instead of turning the house upside down while screaming - open forum
Empty milk cartons - do they belong in the fridge or the bin? Group discussion and role play
Real men ask for directions when lost - real life testimonial from the one man who did
Is it genetically impossible to sit quietly as she parallel parks - driving simulation
How to be the ideal shopping companion - relaxation exercises, meditation and breathing techniques,
Calling when you're going to be late and remembering important dates - bring your calendar to class
Getting over it, learning to live with being wrong all the time - individual counsellors available'

Now, I don't hold with the assumption that women are in any way superior to men, I like the fact that we're just different, but some of that email certainly did ring true.

I've watched in disbelief as my 16-year-old son has dropped his dirty washing on the floor in front of the laundry basket and clearly both he and the 10-year-old fear losing their fingers if they dare to open the dishwasher so they just leave the dirty crockery on top of it.

And what is it about men and their attitude to women and parking? I don't know why, maybe I had an extremely good driving instructor, but for some reason I am cracking at parallel parking. I was parking in a tricky spot and had a male friend in the car who turned to me and announced in a disbelieving tone 'wow, you can actually park'. I'm just amazed he didn't pat me on the head while he was at it, although he'd have been in danger of losing a part of his anatomy he'd probably rather like to hang on to if he had. It's like me popping round while he's cutting the grass and saying 'goodness, aren't you good at mowing'.

The refusal to stop and ask for directions is another one although it's probably dying out thanks to sat navs. My father was a past master, his greatest moment came on the New Jersey turnpike when he turned in a panic to me and my mum and shouted 'which way do I go?' How the heck were we supposed to know, we'd never been there before either.

 I'm doing my best to bring my two boys up to be open minded, fair men who wouldn't dream of being sexist but every now and again, I've wondered about the nature over nurture issue. Can we really influence our boys or are they all born with just that little bit of chauvinism, some more than others?

My boys have witnessed me in full fury mode when I've been patronised and understand all about feminism and equality, so I was stunned into horrified silence when the little one yelled at me one day 'that's your job, you're a woman' when I'd told him to pick up his dirty plate and put it in the dishwasher. He's clearly still a work in progress.

The day they stop stepping over the things I've put at the bottom of the stairs for them to take up to their rooms is the day I know I've cracked it.

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