Saturday, 30 April 2011


Apologies to my lovely American relatives and any Stateside readers of my blog but I have a bone to pick with your country. It's this prom lark that has now migrated firmly this side of the pond and is about to cost me a small fortune.

When I left secondary school it was all pretty low key - a disco in the school hall with fizzy pop and crisps, a few stink bombs let off in the corridors and a school shirt emblazoned with messages from my classmates.

Now the challenge each year is to come up with an event even glitzier than the previous year. This year is prom year for son number one and the preparations are well underway. He's already bought his suit and very smart and grown up he looks too. It turns out the outfit isn't really the big deal - that's how you get to and from the prom itself, the more outlandish method the better apparently.

I thought I'd come across a teacher with a wry sense of humour when I read the latest school newsletter about the prom which asked that the school be given plenty of notice if anyone was planning to travel to this year's event by helicopter or tank........

I had a little chuckle to myself thinking 'how droll' and then re-read the paragraph and realised......they were serious! Ok, there might be some indulgent parents out there with the dosh to hire a helicopter, but a tank?!

Admittedly we are relatively close to Salisbury Plain but the army does tend to keep an eye on the whereabouts of its armoured vehicles, so where on earth is the average 16 year old going to get their hands on a tank? Actually, I think I'd rather not know.

I've done some research among friends who've already been through the prom experience and it turns out transport has ranged from the ubiquitous stretch limo (old hat apparently) to tractor and trailer; London bus; horse and trap and even a hearse!

I've noticed son number one casting appraising glances in the direction of my new Mini......hmmm, no chance laddie. Now where can I find a tank?

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